February 27, 2024
1 min read

Episode 18: Finding Purpose in Creativity with Industrial Designer Reid Schlegel

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Play&Co(nversations) is a design thinking podcast where we delve into the world of design and explore the endless opportunities that await designers and brands.

Reid Schlegel's foundation as an industrial designer was laid at renowned agencies, where he honed his craft and vision. This background enriches his current role as a professor, where he merges innovation with education. By drawing on his professional experience, Schlegel shapes aspiring designers with a blend of practical skills and creative thinking. His teachings emphasize empathy and the application of both classic and modern design methods to solve today's challenges.

Beyond academia, Schlegel demonstrates the real-world impact of sustainable design. He effectively connects theoretical knowledge with practical applications, guiding students through the complexities of the design industry. This exposure not only equips students technically but also fosters a commitment to ethical and sustainable design practices.

Schlegel stands out as a contemporary educator in industrial design, inspiring through his actions and insights. He not only imparts knowledge but also prepares students to address future challenges with innovative and responsible solutions. His career, marked by a transition from prestigious design agencies to academia, showcases the significant influence educators have in shaping the design landscape.


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